01 Gospel of Mark Introduction

by | Jul 12, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Introductions, Mark

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would ask a question, especially one he already knows the answer to? Divine questions are meant to be answered on a deeper level.

This series goes through the Gospel of Mark, stopping at the places where Jesus asked a question. Many of you have studied the sermon passages of Jesus, the parables and the miracles. But Jesus also taught by asking questions.

The Gospels

Each gospel writer had a different audience in mind and tailored his presentation of the gospel story to his audience. Broadly speaking:

  • The Gospel of Matthew is written to present Christ as the King (Behold the King). Matthew wrote primarily to a Jewish audience.
  • The Gospel of Mark presents Christ as a servant (Behold, My servant). Mark wrote primarily for a Roman audience.
  • The Gospel of Luke presents Jesus in his essential humanity (Behold, the Son of Man). Luke wrote primarily for a Greek audience.
  • The Gospel of John presents Christ’s deity (Behold, the Son of God). John wrote primarily for believers.

The Author: John Mark

  • The Gospel of Mark was the first gospel written.
  • We first meet the author, John Mark, in Acts 12:11-12.
  • Mark’s mother, Mary, was apparently a wealthy widow whose home became the stage for the early disciples of Jesus.
  • Mark traveled with Barnabas and Paul on their journey from Antioch to Jerusalem (Acts 12:25).
  • Mark accompanies Paul on his first missionary journey but he proves to be an unfaithful servant (Acts 13:1-14).
  • Mark’s departure caused a rift between Barnabas and Paul (Acts 15:35-41). Paul chose a new associate, Silas, and went back to the Asia Minor and on to Europe. Barnabas took Mark under his wing and sailed to Cyprus.
  • Paul eventually changed his mind about Mark (2 Timothy 4:11). John Mark later came to Rome as Paul’s associate.
  • After Paul’s martyrdom he became Peter’s companion, and wrote his gospel primarily from Peter’s teaching.
  • According to tradition, John Mark became the founder and bishop of the church in Alexandria, North Africa.
  • The young man in Mark 14:51 is probably John Mark.

A Simple Outline

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  – Mark 10:45

  • Chapter 1:1-13—Introductory credentials
  • Chapter 1:14-8:30 — Ministry of the servant
  • Chapter 8:31-16:20—ransoming work of the servant

For more detail and explanation, please listen to the podcast.

Next: 02 What’s easiest to say? Mark 2:1-12

Series: Questions Jesus Asked

Resources: Gospel of Mark

Photo by Jaka Škrlep on Unsplash