Patience as a fruit of the Spirit results from belief. We are longsuffering because we fix our hope on the promises of the gospel.
Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
We typically think of peace as fruit of the Spirit as “peace of mind.” But most often Scripture speaks of peace as unity among believers.
Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
Scripture teaches believers have joy as a fruit of the Spirit in the middle of struggles. Joy is confidence based on hope.
Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 2
Scripture teaches a second aspect to love as a fruit of the Spirit which concerns how believers relate to each other as a church and community.
Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 1
A deep dive into Scripture to understand what love is as a fruit of the Spirit. Spoiler: It is not a feeling.
Fruit of the Spirit: Introduction
The entire argument of Galatians in one podcast! Understanding the themes of Galatians is the foundation for our study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Knowing the context surrounding the list is the crucial first step.
A Wednesday in the Word Announcement
The latest news from Krisan Marotta and the Wednesday in the Word podcast: New series on the Fruit of the Spirit starts March 6.
Galatians 6:6-18 Invest in Truth
In Galatians 6:6-18, Paul encourages his listeners to invest their lives in truth. We reap what we sow. If we seek teachers who flatter and entertain us, that is what we will harvest. God is not mocked. He knows what we seek.
Galatians 5:25-6:5 Bear Each Others’ Burdens
In Galatians 5:25-6:5, Paul explains how the fact that we all believe the same gospel translates into our lives as a community. First, he urges us to stop competing with our teammates. Then Paul explains how to respond when someone stumbles on this metaphorical race to glory.
Galatians 5:13-24 Walk by the Spirit
Paul argues we don’t need the Law to keep us from pursuing sin. We have something better. We have the Spirit of God teaching us to pursue goodness.
Galatians 5:1-12 Keep Standing Firm
In the final chapters, he develops his third major theme which is the freedom the gospel brings. Because the gospel solves our two biggest problems, it brings freedom from the law and freedom from slavery to sin.
Galatians 4:21-31 A Tale of Two Mothers
In the story of Abraham we find two sons, two wives, two covenants, two mountains, and two cities. So we have only two options. One option leads to eternal life in the kingdom of God. The other leads to destruction.