Observations on the Empty Nest

by | May 3, 2013 | 06 Articles, Family

Thoughts on life after children fly the nest:

  1. The internet connection is MUCH faster.
  2. I must have been a wonderful parent because suddenly everyone is offering to give me their kids for a day.
  3. The car keys and the remote are always where I left them.
  4. Food lasts much longer, especially leftovers.
  5. Children call home a lot more when they are out of the house than when they were in it.
  6. I actually know how much gas is in car at any given moment.
  7. Weekends are longer.
  8. My reading pile is shrinking faster than its growing.
  9. While raising children, the days are long but the years are short.
  10. In the empty nest, the days are short but the years are long.
  11. They come back and they need you in a different way.
  12. Grandchildren are worth it!  Grandparenting is all the fun of parenting with a good night’s sleep.

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