Divine Secrets of the Yahweh Sisterhood
Becoming a believer is in some ways like becoming a Ya-Ya. When you become a believer, not only do you gain a vertical relationship with God, you gain a horizontal relationship with other believers.
Becoming a believer is in some ways like becoming a Ya-Ya. When you become a believer, not only do you gain a vertical relationship with God, you gain a horizontal relationship with other believers.
Is the gospel message of the Word of Life, a “pie in the sky” other worldly gospel? Suppose I give a starving person enough food to eat to this week and next week she starves. Have I failed?
Why does the Apostle Paul broadcast his conflict with the Apostle Peter in an open letter to multiple churches? What did he expect the Galatians to learn from it and what can we learn today?
Paul claims you can have utter confidence in the gospel message he preaches because he received it by revelation from Jesus Christ, not human invention.
Paul opens Galatians by claiming you can recognize the true gospel by its source (divine revelation), its substance (grace based on the cross) and its result (freedom).