02 When God calls: Rethink greatness

02 When God calls: Rethink greatness

How do you accomplish great things for the kingdom of God and quiet that inner voice that says whatever you’re doing, it’s not enough? In 2Kings 5 we see a series of contrasts between how the world measures greatness and God measures greatness.

01 When God calls: Burn your ox

01 When God calls: Burn your ox

When God called Elisha to be succeed the prophet Elijah, Elisha was a farmer with no apparent qualifications. Yet Elisha burned his ox and followed. Then Elisha refused to leave his mentor’s side, humbly asking that God equip him for the journey ahead.

Prayer and rain: Does God answer prayer?

Prayer and rain: Does God answer prayer?

Why should I have confidence that God answers my prayers? According to James, I have confidence that my prayers will be answered because of who is answering my prayer, not because my prayer is perfect, powerful or articulate.