The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

In Luke 14, Jesus gives a series of parables in rapid secession. They are all set at a banquet. These parables aren’t as famous as some of the other parables Jesus tells. They are relatively straightforward so they tend to get overshadowed by other parables like the prodigal son. But I think they are very profound.

Parables of Jesus List

Parables of Jesus List

Jesus often taught in parables. Parables are stories which include a dramatic illustration that makes and impact on the listener and calls for a response. Parables are serious theology. But they are metaphorical theology. They teach through metaphor, simile, and dramatic action rather than through logic or reasoning. Here’s a list of the parables of Jesus as recorded in the gospels.

Parable of the Talents

Parable of the Talents

The Parable of the Talents is the last of three parables Jesus tells during a private discussion with the disciples about the end of the age. The parables focus on two themes: stay alert and persevere.