Apr 19, 2023 | 01 Podcasts, Thessalonians
Paul explains what it means to be alert, awake and prepared for judgment day: have faith. Christians know how the world will end and we do not have to fear it. Jesus died for us so that we might live with him.
Apr 5, 2023 | 01 Podcasts, Corinthians
On Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It matters whether something is real or not. It also matters whether an idea is true or not. The historical fact is Jesus rose from the dead, and it makes a difference that he did.
May 13, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Corinthians
Paul argues that death is a bigger problem than we think because it is more than the end of our earthly life. It is the doorway to judgment. But God will give us mercy in judgment and victory over death because of Jesus Christ.
May 6, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Corinthians
Paul answers an objection to the resurrection raised by his opponents with three comparisons: a seed versus the plant it becomes; Adam who brought death versus Christ who brings life; and natural lie now versus transformed life in the kingdom of God.
Apr 29, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Corinthians
In correcting the Corinthians’ view that there is no resurrection, Paul argues that resurrection is an essential part of the way God intends to solve the problem of sin and death.