Now that we are halfway through the beatitudes, have you noticed the subtext that a crucial element of saving faith is recognizing your own sinfulness?
It seems to me that modern American Christians increasingly think that God only blesses, rejecting the idea that God can judge.
Why is that? My guess: 1) We don’t know ourselves. Because we’ve trivialized sin, we don’t realize how sinful we are. 2) We don’t know God. Because we treat God like our “sugar daddy in the sky,” we’ve lost sight of how holy and just He is.
If these ideas seem strange to you, try reading RC Sproul’s book The Holiness of God this summer. It’s a life-changer.
June 2021 Podcasts

17 Matthew 5:4 Those who mourn
Mourning is the appropriate emotional response to being poor in spirit. When you realize that life is not what it should be and you are not the kind of person you should be, the appropriate response is to weep over it.

18 Matthew 5:5 The meek
While Matthew 5:5 is probably the most famous beatitude, not many people understand what it means. Jesus does not explain what he means by “meek”, but he is quoting Psalm 37 which gives us a very big clue.

19 Matthew 5:6 Hunger for righteousness
When you’re physically hungry, the desire to eat is so overwhelming you can hardly think about anything else. Jesus is counting on that experience in this beatitude. The truly fortunate ones long for that which is missing in this life, that which only the kingdom of God can fulfill: holiness.

20 Matthew 5:7 The merciful
Only those will to commit the costly act of being merciful will receive mercy in the kingdom of God, because showing mercy is an implication of having saving faith.
Bible Study Resources
- Empires of the Ancient World
- Biblical Greek: Punctuation & Accents
- Word Study: inherit
- Word Study: pure
Featured Resources

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Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash