A national survey revealed that 42% of pastors considered quitting recently and many already have. There’s no question in my mind that we ask too much of pastors today, but I also think pastors share a bit of the blame. Here’s my solution to the “Great Pastor Resignation.”

September Podcasts

Fourteen years after his conversion, Paul went to Jerusalem to consult with the other apostles. They added nothing to his understanding and gave him the right hand of fellowship.

Paul includes rebuking Peter as part of his defense. Paul could rebuke Peter because they had the same view of the gospel. This incident serves two purposes: 1) it furthers Paul’s claim that he and the apostles teach the same gospel; and 2) it introduces this issue of whether gentile believers must keep the law.

In Galatians 3, Paul begins a series of five arguments for justification by faith. In the first two, Paul argues from experience and from the plain teaching of Scripture. Includes a primer on the theology of the atonement.

Paul argues the Law, which was a deal, does not nullify the promise given to Abraham. In a deal, two parties agree to certain obligations. But a promise is made by one party unconditionally.
September Resources

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Next: October 2023
Previous: August 2023
Top photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash