I’m very excited to teach Galatians 5-6 in November! The last time I taught Galatians I was blessed to be working with a team. But schedules required someone else teach the last two chapters. I have waited over 10 years to get my chance. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed learning it.
Book update: I finished what I hope is the last major rewrite! I tightened the focus and cut 60 pages. Now it’s on to final polishing and publication.

The Law teaches valuable lessons that prepare us for faith and keep us from evil. But, after the Messiah came, we graduated from the protective custody of the Law. All of us receive justification by the same path: faith in Jesus Christ.

The Judaizers teach that you need to place yourself under the guardianship of the Law. Why would grown children want to return the restrictions of childhood? Like a child who has come of age, you have graduated from the guardianship of the Law.

n his fourth argument, Paul appeals to the Galatians to return to the true gospel on the basis of his deep affection and his demonstrated concern for them.

n the story of Abraham we find two sons, two wives, two covenants, two mountains, and two cities. So we have only two options. One option leads to eternal life in the kingdom of God. The other leads to destruction.

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Next: November 2023
Previous: September 2023
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash