Sep 26, 2018 | 01 Podcasts, Peter
This section marks the beginning of the end of the letter. In conclusion, Peter returns his main theme of the letter: how you deal with fellow believers and hostile nonbelievers. His answer is in each case you need the right perspective.
Jan 20, 2016 | 01 Podcasts, Peter
Peter’s main concern in this section is how we treat others, both inside and outside the family of God. But his point is a fuller richer picture than ‘be nice.’ His advice is fix your hope completely on the grace that is coming to you. And then be...
Oct 13, 2015 | 06 Articles, Faith & Life, Peter
Have you ever seen those maps of the stars of the universe? The ones taken from space where there is no man-made light, so you can actually see the billions of stars? First, these photos impress you with the vastness of the universe and the number of stars is beyond...
Aug 26, 2015 | 02 Library, Peter, Resources by Book
Maps, outlines and resources to expand your study of the Epistle of 1 Peter
Aug 19, 2015 | 03 Series, New Testament
Peter wrote his first letter give his readers perspective on the big picture. The gospel (the big picture) has implications for each of those relationships and that is what this letter is about: how we respond to God and view ourselves in this world; how we respond to other believers who are walking this journey with us and how we respond to those who persecute and hate us.