Understanding Jesus

Understanding Jesus

When I was a new believer, the words of Jesus were baffling. Thankfully, I’ve grown to understand him. I have reached two conclusions about the teaching of Jesus.

Miracles of Jesus

Miracles of Jesus

Not only was each healing an act of compassion and a foreshadowing of the greater healing to come, each miracle was testimony from God that Jesus is the Christ.

Parables of Jesus List

Parables of Jesus List

Jesus often taught in parables. Parables are stories which include a dramatic illustration that makes and impact on the listener and calls for a response. Parables are serious theology. But they are metaphorical theology. They teach through metaphor, simile, and dramatic action rather than through logic or reasoning. Here’s a list of the parables of Jesus as recorded in the gospels.

Questions Jesus Asked

Questions Jesus Asked

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would ask a question, especially one he already knows the answer to? This series looks at the places where Jesus asks a question in the Gospel of Mark.

Why we have 4 Gospels

Why we have 4 Gospels

A good teacher tailors her presentation to her audience. The same is true of the four New Testament gospels. Each gospel writer had a different audience in mind and tailored his presentation of the story to his audience.