01 Kingship in the Books of Moses

01 Kingship in the Books of Moses

Proper understanding of the Pentateuch can help us understand the Christian life and all of God’s creation. We are part of the biblical narrative – God’s plan to redeem a people for Himself.

2Samuel: David as King

2Samuel: David as King

1 & 2 Samuel reflect two sides of a promise — the promise to David that he would be king over Israel. In 1 Samuel David is waiting for that promise to be fulfilled. In 2 Samuel the promise is fulfilled.

1Samuel: Path to Kingship

1Samuel: Path to Kingship

In the book of 1 Samuel records three “tectonic shifts” in how God structures His kingdom. These three shifts are to prepare the way for the next major shift: transforming God’s people from with a geopolitical identity to a people with a heavenly identity.