03 God’s Design for Sexuality

03 God’s Design for Sexuality

If the cultural view of sexuality, what is the biblical view? Is it just a list of dos, don’ts, and not yets? The question I want to address in this section is: What are you waiting for and why is it worth it? We find those answers in the Song of Solomon.

Marriage God’s Way

Marriage God’s Way

Even the best couples are constantly working on their marriage. Join David & Krisan Marotta (married 31 years) as they examine what the Bible has to say about the commitment of marriage.

Rethinking the 20s

Rethinking the 20s

My grandmother remarked that when she was 20 marriage was the adventure — for both men and women — and career was a icing on the cake. Now education and achievement are considered the adventure while marriage (indeed any long-term relationship) is an afterthought. But it’s not working.

Should I marry a man with pornography struggles?

Should I marry a man with pornography struggles?

A recently engaged woman learned her fiancee has “ongoing struggles with pornography.” She isn’t sure what to do. Assuming sin usually runs deeper than we care to admit, my advice would be postpone the wedding until the she can answer “yes” to two questions.

The “Dad-Mom” Debate

The “Dad-Mom” Debate

Does the Bible dictate who works inside and outside the home? Consider this debate over “who wears the pants” sparked by the “Dad Mom” Tide commercial.