Servant Songs of Isaiah

Servant Songs of Isaiah

Isaiah gives us the fullest revelation of Christ in the Old Testament, most notably the Servant Songs. The exile raised the question: Can fail such that God will abandon us and we forfeit His God? In the Servant Songs, God demonstrates that not only will He remain committed to His people, He will willingly choose to endure suffering in order to forgive and redeem His people.

Philippians: Choose Life

Philippians: Choose Life

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is filled expressions of praise, joy and confidence, despite the fact that Paul wrote the letter while he was in prison. The Philippian church, unlike many other churches Paul wrote to, was not facing any particular problem or controversy. Instead their challenges were the kind that plague many churches today. We can learn from Paul how to rejoice and persevere in the mundane, ordinary difficulties of life.

James: The Gospel in Shoe Leather

James: The Gospel in Shoe Leather

If I could sum up James, in one verse, it would be Luke 6:46: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” The central question of the book of James is: Are you living what you claim to believe?



There’s nothing like the Christmas season to force you to face the fact that life is often neither joyful nor triumphant. It raises the question, what is the true meaning of Christmas?

2Samuel: David as King

2Samuel: David as King

1 & 2 Samuel reflect two sides of a promise — the promise to David that he would be king over Israel. In 1 Samuel David is waiting for that promise to be fulfilled. In 2 Samuel the promise is fulfilled.

1Samuel: Path to Kingship

1Samuel: Path to Kingship

In the book of 1 Samuel records three “tectonic shifts” in how God structures His kingdom. These three shifts are to prepare the way for the next major shift: transforming God’s people from with a geopolitical identity to a people with a heavenly identity.