Celebrate! by Reggie Coates

Celebrate! by Reggie Coates

This is Reggie Coates playing and singing his song Celebrate! Jesus makes life worth living and celebrating! Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing to the Lord a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy!”

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How to slow down a podcast

How to slow down a podcast

My international listeners tell me they sometimes have trouble keeping up, because English is not their first language. If you find you aren’t catching everything, you can slow down the podcast. Most podcast apps have a speed adjustment.

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8-Minute Worship

8-Minute Worship

Enjoy this 8-minute video of Reggie Coates leading worship at a Sunday morning service with First Baptist Church in Watsonville, California.

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Home Concert Refresh

Home Concert Refresh

Enjoy a refreshing half hour of Reggie Coates sharing his own songs during one of his home concerts. May you be encouraged and reminded of essential truths.

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August 2022 Reflections

August 2022 Reflections

Did you know there is more to Wednesday in the Word than a podcast? The website contains over 1000 pages of free bible study tools and resources. As you resume your local bible studies, WitW can help you with your homework. I’ve got a resource page for each book of the Bible with links to tools, commentaries, outlines and articles. It’s all free and growing!

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July 2022 Reflections

July 2022 Reflections

As we continue studying the miracles recorded in Matthew 8-9, watch for how the miracles both point backward to the prophets (e.g. Isaiah 35:3-6) and ahead to the fullness of the promise to come.

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June Reflections 2022

June Reflections 2022

Foxes, funerals, demons, pigs, fasting and wine skins. That’s all coming in the Gospel of Matthew as we look at various miracles Jesus performed. Lord willing, I plan to cover chapters 8-9 this summer, take a short break and then dive into the next discourse (the sending of the 12).

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May 2022 Reflections

May 2022 Reflections

No new podcasts this month as I’m busy preparing for the Gospel of Matthew Part 2.  I’m planning to cover chapters 8-12 which will take us through the next major discourse of Jesus. We’ll be talking about authority a lot.

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April 2022 Reflections

April 2022 Reflections

After studying the Sabbath, it seems appropriate take a break from the podcast. Then we’ll resume our study of the Gospel of Matthew. We’ll pick up in chapter 8 where Matthew begins to highlight the authority of Jesus.

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March 2022 Reflections

March 2022 Reflections

What is the Sabbath? Why does God command it? Did Jesus change it? When do we get to enjoy it? And how can God justify resting when so much work remains to be done?  We’ll tackle these questions in the April podcasts series: Sabbath: Why, how and when.

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