I hope thinking through the issues surrounding communion has been as meaningful for you as it has been for me. But I’m really looking forward to what’s coming next! 1Corinthians 12-14 has been on my bucket list of “things I want to teach” for a long time!

32 1Corinthians 11:17-22 Situation with Lord’s supper
What’s the problem with the way the Corinthians are handling the Lord’s Supper? Were they profaning a holy ritual? Were they ignoring social economic justice? Both or something else? This podcast examines what the Corinthians were doing wrong.
33 1Corinthians 11:23-26 Significance of the Lord’s supper
What’s the connection between Passover and Communion? Why are we suppose to celebrate the Lord’s Supper? And what is it suppose to do for us? In this podcast, we look at how Paul explains the significance of the Lord’s Supper.
34 1Corinthians 11:27-34 Taking communion in an unworthy manner
What does it mean to take communion in an unworthy manner? How are we to examine ourselves before participating? In this podcast, we look at what Paul found wrong with the way the Corinthians were handling the Lord’s Supper and what he wants them to do instead.
35 1Corinthians 12:1-3 The Mark of Spirituality
Paul starts the topic of spiritual gifts in 1Corinthians 12. The Corinthians are confused in thinking that speaking in tongues is the mark of true spirituality and that those who have not spoken in tongues are lesser Christians. Paul lays the foundation in 12:1-3 for his argument which will run through chapter 14.
NEW Resources:
What is Lent?
The 4 qualifications for being an apostle
My 2020 goals are to:
- break 500 podcasts (currently at 488) and
- pass 150,000 downloads (currently 126,425).

I need your help: Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a positive review on your favorite podcast platform, and tell a friend. If you can only do one, telling a friend is best. Thanks for listening!
Next: March 2020
Previous: January 2020
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash