I think 1Corinthians 12-14 are some of the most profound chapters in the letter. In correcting the Corinthians’ view of speaking in tongues, Paul gives us a valuable perspective we can apply to many important issues in life. I’m grateful to finally have a chance to teach through them.
I expect to finish 1Corinthians by the end of May 2020. What would you like to hear next? I’m considering going on to 2Corinthians – after a short break. But I’d also love to teach through the Gospel of Matthew (primarily to get to the Sermon on the Mount) and I’m also working on a series tentatively titled “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Please reply to this email if there’s a topic or letter you’d particularly like to study. Thanks for listening!
36 1Corinthians 12:4-11 What are spiritual gifts?
Paul argues that while all believers have the same Spirit, God distributes different gifts to different believers on purpose. Paul’s purpose in this section is not to give a catalog of gifts, but to give examples of some diverse ways the Spirit works. I contrast Paul’s teaching here with the popular understanding of spiritual gifts.
37 1Corinthians 12:11-13 Should everyone speak in tongues?
As Paul continues discussing the unity and diversity of the body of Christ, we consider what that tells us about speaking in tongues today. Should everyone speak in tongues?
38 1Corinthians 12:14-31 Understanding the body of Christ
Paul compares the people of God to the unity and diversity of the human body. In this rich analogy, Paul teaches us how we should view ourselves, how we should view each other and where we should find our worth.
39 1Corinthians 13:4-7 Attributes of love
Paul’s famous passage on the attributes of love is part of a 3-chapter argument. In this podcast we focus on what Paul is saying about love and why Paul felt it was important to correct the Corinthians understanding of love. In the next podcast, we’ll examine how this passage fits into the context of his overall argument.

COVID Cville Church Services
If you visit them online now, when the closures are over, you’ll feel right at home going in person.
NEW: Esther Bible Study Resources
What if I failed my Bible reading plan?
7 Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful Leaders
Servant Leadership in Practice
My 2020 goals are to:
- break 500 podcasts (currently at 493) and
- pass 150,000 downloads (currently 127,219).

I need your help: Please tell a friend about the podcast — but more importantly encourage them with something you learned. Thanks for listening!
Next: April 2020
Previous: February 2020
Photo by Mohammad Amiri on Unsplash