Joel Bible Study Resources

by | Sep 28, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Joel.

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **


  • Author: Joel
  • Date: Unknown.
  • Possible Dates: a) Early Preexilic: Some think Joel was an early prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah during the reign of King Joash (835-796 BC); b) Late Preexilic (609-586 BC); or c) Postexilic (515-350 BC).
  • The Hebrew Canon places Joel among the minor prophets after Ezekiel & Hosea and before Amos.
  • The Greek canon places Joel after Daniel and Hosea and before Amos.
  • I suspect the dating is ambiguous because Joel is relevant to any time of lament or trouble.
  • Joel tells the nations that even though some disasters have struck, it is not too late to repent.


  • Chapter 1:1-5 – A plague destroys the land
  • Chapter 1:6-2:27 – Vision of the invading army
  • Chapter 2:28-3:21 – Future judgment and deliverance


  • To warn Judah of the coming Day of the Lord when judgment will get worse for Judah and the nations of the world.
  • To urge Judah to repent of their sins.
  • To proclaim a future time of complete restoration.

Genre: Understanding Prophecy

Section 1: Background


Introduction to the Prophets

Chart: Bible History at a glance

Blue Letter Bible: Old Testament Timeline

Biblehub: The Divided Kingdom

Chart: Kings of Israel & Judah

Bible Atlas: Assyria

Bible Atlas: Babylon

Bible Atlas: Chaldea

Bible Atlas: Jerusalem

Minor Prophets Quotes in the New Testament

Jensen’s Survey of the Old Testament

Hebrew Calendar

Ray C Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthur: Introduction to Joel

NIV: Introduction to Joel

NIV: The Minor Prophets

ESV: Introduction to Joel

ESV: Global Message of Joel

James van Dine: Analysis of Joel

David Malick: An Introduction to the Book of Joel

David Malick: An Argument of the Book of Joel

JVernon McGee: Hosea and Joel – Introductory Notes, Outlines

Charles Swindoll: Book of Joel Overview

Section 2: Maps

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words

  • Locust, Zion, day of the Lord (in that day, those days), return, I will, never again, then, now, nations/nation.

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Joel, Theology Of

American Tract Society: Joel

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Joel

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Joel, Book Of; Joel

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Joel, the Book Of; Joel

Holman Bible Dictionary: Joel

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Joel; Joel, Book Of

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Joel

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Joel, Book Of; Joel

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Joel (1); Joel (2)

McClintock and Strong: Joel, Book Of.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia:Joel

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia: Joel, Book Of

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles Top 5 Commentaries: Joel

Tim Challies Best Commentaries:

Commentary Reviews: Joel

Biblehub Commentaries: Joel

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Joel

Matthew Henry: Joel

Albert Barnes Notes: Joel

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Joel

Geneva Study Bible: Joel

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Joel

Section 6: Articles


A Critique Of The Prewrath Interpretation Of The Day Of The Lord In Joel 2–3 — By Alan D. Cole (see online article)

A Doctrinal Study of Acts 2:14 — By Clifford Rapp, Jr.

Old Testament Passages Referring To The Day Of The Lord — By Warren Vanhetloo

Duane Garrett: The Structure Of Joel

J Hampton Keathley: The Minor Prophets

Tom Hawkins: Joel- Introduction, Outline, and Argument

Harold Hosch: Joel- The Concept of Prophetic Time in the Book of Joel

Richard Mayhue: The Prophet’s Watchword: Day of the LORD

Section 7: Got Questions

Book of Joel – Bible Survey

What are the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets?

Is Joel 1:4 referring to literal locusts? When was this prophecy fulfilled?

Why did God use a locust swarm to punish Israel (Joel 1:4)?

How does God restore the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25)?

What does it mean that God will pour out His Spirit on all people (Joel 2:28)?

Will the sun really be turned to darkness and the moon to blood (Joel 2:31)?

What is the valley of decision (Joel 3:14)?

What is bloodguilt (Joel 3:21)?

What is the Day of the Lord?

Section 8: Next

Next: Amos

Previous: Hosea

Resources: by Book of the Bible

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash