Isaiah: Servant Songs Overview

by | Mar 7, 2018 | 02 Library, Charts OT, Isaiah

The exile raised the question: Can we forfeit the promises of God?  Can God’s people fail in such a way that God will abandon them?  In the Servant Songs, God demonstrates that not only will He remain committed to His people, He will willingly choose to endure horrific suffering in order to free His people from their sinful hearts and make them righteous before Him.


  • Isaiah 40:1-11 – God comforts His people because all their sins  have been pardoned.  The grace God offers is more than double the sinfulness (Key Verse: Isaiah 40:2).
  • Isaiah 40:12-31 – God — who measures the waters in the palm of His hand — is too great to fail and He cares for His people by name (Key Verse: Isaiah 40:28-29).


  • Isaiah 42:1-4 – The Servant’s task was to establish true justice: freedom from a sinful heart and he succeeded (Key Verse: Isaiah 42:1).
  • Isaiah 49:1-13 – The Servant had confidence that God was faithful to His promises, even though the Servant had no visible evidence (Key Verse: Isaiah 49:4)
  • Isaiah 50:4-11 – The Servant trusted that God would get him through the school of suffering (Key Verse: Isaiah 50:7)
  • Isaiah 52:13-53:12 – The Servant willingly suffered our death for us and God will exalt him and give him eternal glory (Key Verse: Isaiah 53:6)


  • Isaiah 54:1-10 – Because of His Servant’s work, God will establish a new land, a new seed and a new city which far surpass the old (Key Verse: Isaiah 54:1).
  • Isaiah 54:11-17 – God’s new City will be secure, based on righteousness, and victory is guaranteed because God will never again turn His back on His people (Key Verse: Isaiah 54:17).
  • Isaiah 55:1-5 – God invites you to partake of this banquet:the life offered by his Servant.  It’s glorious, it’s free, it’s available, and it will truly and completely satisfy the deepest longings of your soul (Key Verse: Isaiah 55:2).
  • Isaiah 55:6-13 – To enter the banquet, we need only turn from our sins and return to God.  God is accessible, He will have compassion on us, and we can have utter confidence that all He has promised will come to pass (Key Verse: Isaiah 55:6).

Series: Isaiah: Servant Songs

Study Resources: Isaiah Bible Study Resources

Photo by Jacob Meyer on Unsplash