Women’s Minstry Resources

Women’s Ministry Resources from 20 years as a Director of Women’s Ministry. Plus a philosophy of women’s ministry.

Events & Examples

25 Most Popular Icebreakers

25 Most Popular Icebreakers

Over my years as Women’s Ministry Director, I collected a lot of ice breakers. After all you can’t use the same 4 ice breakers at the same ministry events year after year. But when ones are best? According to research, these are the 25 most popular.

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Leader Evaluation Sample

Leader Evaluation Sample

When you recruit feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year, don’t forget to solicit feedback from your leaders.   If you are blessed to have dedicated leadership returning year after year, you may want to keep it short.  Here’s an example we’ve used at Wednesday in the Word.  This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework. Customize it to fit your programs.

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Example First Day Sign up forms

Example First Day Sign up forms

The first day of Bible study typically requires a lot of teamwork and cooperation. You probably need leaders to sign up for both refreshments and tasks. Here’s two example sign up forms.

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Small Group Welcome Survey Example

Small Group Welcome Survey Example

Learning some basic information when new small groups start can save misunderstanding later. Asking participants to answer a few basic questions the first day can help leaders structure the time to better meet the needs of a group. Here’s an example “Small Group Welcome” survey.

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Small Group Ground Rules Sample

Small Group Ground Rules Sample

When starting new small groups, it’s helpful to establish expectations up front with a clear set of ground rules. Here’s a sample we’ve developed over 25 years of ministry.

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Ministry Preparation Checklist

Ministry Preparation Checklist

July is the time to start preparing for your fall Bible study. Are you overwhelmed by the details or don’t know where to start? Assuming your study starts in September, here’s my summer ministry preparation checklist.

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Role Playing

Role Playing

To compare roles is to count paper clips. Neither is a valid measure of our worth.

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Ministry Philosophy

Agreeing with Young Atheists

Agreeing with Young Atheists

When Larry Alex Taunton of Fixed Point Foundation explored why many American college students are atheists, a “composite sketch” emerged — which I found I agreed with.

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Women’s Ministry: The view from 1852

“The female part of every congregation have an influence which cannot be defined nor resisted. For the most part, this influence is as just in its award, as it is sovereign in its sway.”

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 Recommended Reading


Studies in Leadership by Ray C Stedman

What is Reformed Theology? by R.C. Sproul

Body Life by Ray C. Stedman

When All Else Fails…Read the Instructions by Bob Smith

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by R.C. Sproul

RC Sproul’s Crucial Questions FREE ebooks

The Gospel Coalition provides countless resources for specific personal and theological issues

Small Group Leaders

How to Lead Small Groups, NavPress (get latest edition)

Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders: A Practical Guide for Those Who Lead and Shepherd Small Group Leaders by Bill Donahue

Leading Life-Changing Small Groups by Bill Donahue

Building a Church of Small Groups: A Place Where Nobody Stands Alone by Bill Donahue

Women’s Ministry

A Woman’s Worth by Elaine Stedman (out of print but available online; if you only have time to read 1 book in this section, read this one)

Designing Effective Women’s Ministries by Jill Briscoe, Laure Katz McIntyre and Beth Seversen

Women’s Ministry in the 21st Century: The Encyclopedia of Practical Ideas, multiple authors (now out of print, but can find used copies)

Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women, by Susan Hunt

Women’s Ministry in the Local Church, by Ligon Duncan & Susan Hunt

The Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover

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